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JSON API and Ecto


Over the past few years I have worked on quite a few projects that provide JSON API’s using Elixir/Phoenix, and have found that we always end up in a situation that requires the API to be flexible. To illustrate this, consider an example where you have a JSON API that returns information about space centers, astronauts and rockets. You might have for example, a rocket which is associated to a space center, which also has astronauts who fly in the rocket, additionally the space center might belong to a particular country. The JSON API might provide an endpoint for rockets, at which a query to that endpoint might look like /api/v1/rockets. However I find the requirements for that endpoint grow in the following way

Before you know it you need to provide an API that is flexible to the client requesting the data. However a lot of implementations I have seen often end up working in an inefficent way, as it works on the request after the database query has executed. This can result in a tonne of results being returned from the database, followed by in memory filtering, or preloading of includes (api/v1/rockets?[include]=space-center) as its preparing the results. I wanted to work out a way that we could do this with a small amount of database requests ensuring the API stays efficent and reusable.

To that end, I ended up creating a library that would parse the request, and generate a query that you could execute based on the parameters received, the library can be seen here.

This blog will describe how Ecto allowed this to be achieved quite easily.

Ecto Composibility

A Simple Example

One of the things I like the most about Ecto queries is how they are composible, so for example you can create a pipeline to build up a query gradually with small functions, for example

|> filter_by_name("Apollo")
|> filter_by_active()
|> Repo.all()

defp filter_by_name(query, value) do
  where(query, [rocket], rocket.name == ^value)
defp filter_by_active(query) do
  where(query, [rocket], not is_nil(rocket.deleted_at))

Notice how you can have small pure functions that adapt the query, but don’t execute until you tell it to using Repo. This example can be taken further by reducing over some parameters to create a query that can be executed, for example imagine

def list_rockets(params) do
    |> Map.to_list
    |> Enum.reduce(Rocket, &filter/2)
    |> Repo.all()

defp filter({"name", value}, query) do
  where(query, [rocket], rocket.name == ^value)

defp filter({"age", value}, query) do
  where(query, [rocket], rocket.age == ^value)

list_rockets({"name" => "Apollo", "age" => 20})

In this example we are passing through a map of filters, which are being broken down into a list, which is then used to generated a query using an Enum.reduce.

How the Library Uses Composibility

The ability to reduce and compose queries is the cornerstone of the JSON API builder I created, it allowed me to parse the parameters, and generate a query off them by reducing over those parameters, an example of this in the library itself would be here

defmodule JsonApiEctoBuilder.Applier.Filter do
  import Ecto.Query
  alias JsonApiEctoBuilder.ParamParser.Filter

  def apply(query, params, base_alias) do
    |> Filter.parse(base_alias)
    |> Enum.reduce(query, &do_apply/2)

  defp do_apply({field_param, :GT, value, binding}, query) do
    |> where([{^binding, x}], field(x, ^field_param) > ^value)

  defp do_apply({field_param, :GTE, value, binding}, query) do
    |> where([{^binding, x}], field(x, ^field_param) >= ^value)

This is a snippet of how the filtering works in the library, a few key points around this are

How Composibility Allows for Developer Control

Inspired by how Ecto queries work, and the composible nature of them allowing us to only execute the query when the developer is ready was something that I wanted to adopt in the library. So much so that when calling the library to generate a query based on the query parameters, the developer can pass an initial query in, or even amend the query once it has been generated. For example

query = 
  if current_user.role == "admin" do
    (from r in Rocket, as: :rocket)
    (from r in Rocket, as: :rocket
     where: not r.is_secret_rocket)

query = JsonApiEctoBuilder.build(query, Rocket, :rocket, json_api_parameters, &apply_join/2)

results = Repo.all(query)

This example should demonstrate a few things

Ecto Named Bindings

A Simple Example

One other piece that I would like to touch on is how the recent addition of Ecto named bindings made this library possible. To demonstrate this, lets imagine an example with Ecto positional bindings

query =
    (from r in Rocket,
    join: sc in assoc(r, :space_center))

query = filter_by_space_center_name(query, "Houston")

def filter_by_space_center_name(query, name) do
  where(query, [_rocket, space_center], space_center.name == ^value)

In the example we have applied a join because there is a relationship, however the problem is when we call the filter function we have to selectively say which table in the query to execute the filter on, but the way you actually choose the table is by defining the position of where that join actually took place. So in the previous example I have illustrated this in the filter_by_space_center_name function where I have destructured the space center as the second table in the query, this might work when you are creating a very specific API, but when trying to make a resuable generic JSON API library this leaves you in a hard position, because you don’t know the following

This is something Ecto named bindings can solve, in a nutshell these work by allowing you to apply an alias to the table, rather than them existing at some position in the query, so for example you can do this

query =
    (from r in Rocket, as: :rocket,
    join: sc in assoc(r, :space_center), as: :space_center)

query = filter_by_space_center_name(query, "Houston")

def filter_by_space_center_name(query, name) do
  where(query, [space_center: space_center], space_center.name == ^value)

This essentially does the following

How the Library Uses Named Bindings

As you can probably see, the problem created by positional bindings would have made the API difficult to develop, as it wouldn’t be able to know which table to apply the filter to. Initially how the library works is it checks the filters to see what tables need joining in the query, an example of this can bee seen here

def apply(query, params, apply_join_callback) do
  |> Join.parse
  |> Enum.reduce(query, fn join, query ->
      case has_named_binding?(query, join) do
      true ->
      false ->
          apply_join_callback.(join, query)

This is doing the following

Once the query has the joins applied and it gets to the filtering the code can destructure the binding, for example in a previous example of the library you will have seen this

defmodule JsonApiEctoBuilder.Applier.Filter do
  import Ecto.Query
  alias JsonApiEctoBuilder.ParamParser.Filter
  defp do_apply({field_param, :GTE, value, binding}, query) do
    |> where([{^binding, x}], field(x, ^field_param) >= ^value)

This is where the filters get applied to the query, the crucial point here is that this can be executed for any of the joins and the base from table. When the filter function is executed, the binding is passed in as an atom, so for example that could be :astronaut or :space_center etc. Then when the where is added to the query, we request the named binding in the query. The only difference here is that its destructured differently, as what we want for example might be [space_center: space_center], however as the first argument is a variable to the function, we need to destructure it as a tuple, which is how the bindings work underneath the hood.


Although there are additional things the library can do, such as applying sorts and includes, this is the key part I wanted to demostrate, as it shows how Ecto allows us to build efficent queries, without compromising on reusability.

Although I am happy with the library, and it has been useful on a few projects there are some considerations on how it could have been done differently, or where it might not fit in peoples projects which include

All considerations aside, this works nicely for CRUD applications, and can remove the need for duplicate code, which in my experience always ends up doing the same thing.

Happy coding!